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Seven habits to sweat your stress away

The signs are there. You seem to feel tired all the time, your things to do list is crammed with so many things you haven’t started yet, and you’re about to whine, “Life is soooo unfair.” When a throbbing headache suddenly stops you. Ugh. Well, dilemmas like this can really induce stress, which could make you seriously ill. So before anything else , sit back, relax, and road on for some tips to relieve stress, no sweat.

  1. Get enough sleep and rest. Sleep is the body’s key mechanism for combating fatigue. Most people need only 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day, which is enough to recharge your ability to deal with stress.
  2. Emotionally stressed? Talk it out. Is there someone in life whom you trust and respect? Reveal all your emotions to that person (it could be your bestfriend, or someone really close to you.) and ask for some advice.
  3. Balance work and recreation. Take one thing at a time, so things won’t get mixed up. Make a schedule for everything so you don’t miss out on both ends. Include some time off in your schedule to be with your best buddies, family, and most importantly, yourself.
  4. Blow off steam! Whether you’re mad at your co-worker’s behavior or when feeling any kind of tension, it’s wise to get pumped up! Grab your comfiest sneakers, ipod, and head out for some kind of physical activity.
  5. Accept things the way they are. Be realistic it’s about time to take off those rose-colored glasses and peer into a clearer view of life. As an old saying goes, “if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it.”
  6. Be open to new experiences. Make yourself busy by trying out new things like signing up for a yoga class, or rock climbing with your friends.
  7. Laugh out loud to the fullest. Guffaw!

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This entry was posted on January 23, 2015 by in Murmurs of my Steths and tagged , .